What is the prostate?

The prostate gland starts off the size of a walnut in your 20s and sits just underneath the bladder. As you get older, it will gradually grow to be between the size of a plum and the size of an orange.
Male reproductive system
The urethra (the tube that carries pee and what you ejaculate through) runs through the middle of it.

The main job of the prostate gland is to help make semen (the fluid that carries sperm).

You have a prostate if:

  • you are a man
  • you are a trans woman
  • you are non-binary assigned male at birth

What if I am trans, non-binary or intersex?

If you are a trans, non binary or an intersex person, who was assigned male at birth, you will still have a prostate.  Even if you have had genital gender-affirming surgery as part of your transition.

Prostate Cancer UK has some excellent advice about trans women and prostate cancer

If you are a trans man, who was assigned female gender at birth, you will not have a prostate, even if you have had genital gender-affirming surgery. The good news is that you are not at risk of developing prostate cancer.

What is a PSA Test?