What is a PSA test?

The PSA test is a blood test that can be used to detected prostate cancer.

It measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood, which is a type of protein produced by the prostate.

It is normal for men to have some PSA in their blood, and the level can increase as you get older or as your prostate grows. A raised PSA can be a sign that there is a prostate cancer present but there are other causes of a raised PSA as well such as:

• an enlarged prostate gland
• a urine infection
• prostatitis (inflammation within the prostate).


Who should have a PSA test?

Any man over 50 years old should consider having a PSA test.

If you are black or have a strong family history of prostate cancer, you should think about getting a PSA test from the age of 45 years.

What can affect my PSA level?